There was a good turnout to this meeting - the second to last for this season. There was more discussion re: place and time for next year's show - Sandra has been exploring every lead and then some! Thanks for all this effort - hopefully a decision can be made shortly.
We saw a beautiful book featuring the many components of The Quilt of Belonging - I definitely have a visit on my list - apparently it will be here until about June 6. Allison has details ( I think she said they are on the blog, but I'm not sure where!) Those who took advantage of the visit and lecture a week or so ago whetted our appetites to see the real thing.
Several members visited the show in Ottawa, and brought some of their purchases to show and tell. Other show and tell's included a workshop quilt by Sandra finished by one of Linda Palaisy's methods - a truly stunning piece (sorry, no pictures). Sandra used a curved piecing technique to produce her quilt. Phil showed a doll's quilt she is working on, Julia showed us a quilt made for another guild's charity project; Heather is working on doll's sweaters; and Mary S. has started socks with the jazzy wool she bought while on the shop hop. Apologies to any I have forgotten - there was a lot to see!
Please note that our closing dinner will be on June 15 at Restaurant Au Vieux Duluth (same as last year) on Dollard in Lasalle at 7 P.M. Don't forget your challenges - all those food inspired quilts should be fun!!
Next meeting - June 1 - Fabric Exchange! Clean out and reload is the name of the game for that evening. See you then..