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Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Hi Everyone:

This is my third try!!!  Sometimes this thing just won't co-operate!!  Debbie where are you!?!?!?!?!

Well, we've had a busy few weeks.  This is one of those few times when we have meetings back-to-back because there are 3 meetings in one month.  So there's a bit to cover.

First off, the 6-Border Challenge.  The Unveiling was held and some of our girls went to see all the entries.  Below are the ones entered by our members.

This is Mary's.  You've see some of this before at the Retreat, but this is now the finished version.  Absolutely beautiful!!!  Who can resist those COLOURS!!!  Great work Mary.

And here's Anna.  Again, you saw the beginning of this
at the Retreat, but here it is with all borders finished.
Once again, WOW.  Look at those colours!!!!  Some
people have no fear!!!  Good job Anna.

And here's Allison's!!!  And leave it to Allison to come up
with something completely off-the-wall!!!  WOW!!!  Wonder where she comes up with these ideas.  Looks like she's pretty happy with it too!!!  You never disappoint, Allison!!

The above three are the Show and Tell that meeting.
The one on the left is Allison's.  Unfortunately, the computer refuses to see this as an ocean scene!!  What it sees, I have no idea, but try to envision it on it's side.  It's beautiful and what you can't see is that the foam is all beaded.  In the middle (below) is Rita's sewing machine cover.  Never has a sewing machine been so well cared for.  The quilt on the right is also Rita's.  I think we have another over achiever here.

Our first overachiever is Jae.  If you remember, she bought a bunch of fabrics the evening we were at Claires' and I joked that we would see a finished quilt by next meeting.  Well, I wasn't far wrong.  Here are two pictures.  The first one was shown at our first meeting after Claires, pinned, and the second one is the next meeting (one week later) with the center all sewn and the borders all ready to be attached.  Wouldn't we all like to produce like that!!!!

And here's Julia giving us a workshop
on Cathedral Windows.  She recently spent some time out East and entertained us with
her stories, pictures, and teachings.  Great
job Julia!!!

And finally, for Show and Tell, Anna, (left) and yet ANOTHER quilt.  This one has 100% cotton batting which she hand quilted.  She won't do that again!!!  And on the right, Sandra and her new jacket with fabric she bought at the Vermont Quilt Show.  So, you can see every Guild has the "quickies" and the "slowpokes".  Oh well, as long as we're still quilting!!!!

Speaking of quilting, we will all be getting together this Saturday, Nov. 17th, at the Church, to continue our work on our Raffle Quilt and the Quilts of Valour.  We will start somewhere around 10am and probably finished about 3pm.  You don't have to come for the whole thing, but try to drop in and spend some time with us.  We'd love to see you!!!

Happy quilting!!!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Visit with Claire & Saturday Morn

Hi Everyone:

Sorry I'm a little late with this, my computer and camera were not talking for a while, but all seems to be settled now - I hope!!

Tuesday evening we went to Courtepointe Claire, where Claire hosted a wonderful evening for us.  Here's Audrey, Pam, Julia and her friend - as you can see, some are looking at quilts and some are researching the sweets!!!  Claire and Julia provided us with the munchies and they were great!!!

And here are a few more desperately searching for something to buy - Linda and Mary - I am sure they didn't go home empty handed.

And Debbie and Jae - guess who doesn't like having her picture taken.  Jae managed to find all the fabrics for her upcoming quilt.  Guess that will be finished by next week!!

Everyone had a great time.  Claire showed us many of her teachers' and students' quilts and all the ribbons they had won!!  Claire talked to us about her many varied classes, her teachers and how she buys fabrics.  Really very interesting!

We spent a lot of time searching high and low for the choicest pieces of fabric and the best gadgets and, oh ya, KEYS.  Some dingbat, who shall remain nameless lost her keys.  (They were in the back seat of her car, unfortunately the car was LOCKED!!)  Many thanks to Allison who drove everyone home.  The dingbat was taken back the next day to retrieve her car.  All's well that ends well.

Saturday morning and many of our Guild members are hard at work planning for our new community project.  Three quilts for the Quilts of Valour project.  Here's Mary, Mary, Pam and Colleen with the arduous job of find the right fabrics for each quilt. They are going to be beautiful!!!

Add caption

And here's Sandra hard at work sewing together the squares that Allison got started at the Retreat.  Everyone had about 15 x  5" blocks to paper piece, then Allison put four together to make the star and now we're putting the stars together.  It really has punch and it looks gorgeous!!!  Which is making this job very easy for Sandra - we all know how she LOVES punch!!!

Another Saturday sewing day on November 17.  You should really come out - it's great fun!  Even if you just sit, chat and keep us company!!

See you on the 30th.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Hi Everyone:

Well, last night's meeting was jam-packed with all sorts of ideas and plans for the upcoming season.  Julia outdid herself!!  She is going to have us quilting, quilting, and, oh ya,  shopping for quilting fabric!!

First a reminder that the CQQ Meeting is Oct. 13th in Entrelacs.  Anyone interested in going, please visit the website for more information.

First up is a field trip to Courtepointe Claire in Laval.  Claire has a really nice evening planned for us - there'll be refreshments, presentations, she'll be talking about what workshops and services she offers and also give us some info on the trips to Europe she is planning.  Should be a great time!!!  AND, we can always buy some fabric!!!  We'll be leaving Montreal about 6:30pm on October 16th.  If you're interested in joining us, please email Julia and let her know if you need a lift or can drive.  Julia at

On October 20 and November 17 we will be getting together at the Church to assemble all those beautiful squares that Allison put together at the Retreat!!  They are looking fabulous and we can't wait to see the quilt all put together!!  We'll be starting at 10am, bring coffee, snacks, a lunch and we'll work until we can't work anymore.  Also we're going to get started on our charity quilt.  Our charity this year is the Quilts of Valour.  This is a wonderful organization that donates quilts to our returned and returning servicemen in thanks and appreciation for their service to this country. If you can't come and spend some time with us, drop in and say "HI".  It would be really fun to see some of our Associates!!!

On October 30th, our super-organized Rita will be giving a demonstration on making 8 pointed stars.  Rita makes everything look really easy, so this should be a snap under her tutelage.  Also, if we're lucky, she'll give us some tips on keeping ourselves organized at the sewing table.  Take a look at the blog from our Retreat.  Talk about orderly!!!

Julia is heading out East soon to take a class on Cathedral Windows.  (Maybe she'll do a little shopping while she's there too:))  And, when she returns, she will teach us everything she knows!!!  So be sure to be at Guild on November 6th.

On November 20th, our computer wizards will introduce us to the fascinating world of computer workshops, including Quilt University.  The Fabulous Four will be Debbie, Allison, Mary S and Linda.  They've all taken classes and will show us how easy this can be.  Below are two pieces from a class on Baltimore needle turn.  If these are any example of what's to learn, I'm guessing we'll all be on our computers soon!!

A new challenge has been issued by the Cdn. Quilters Association.  The measurements of the perimeter of  all quilts finished this year
will be turned into the CQA in an attempt to get that measurement to reach from
the East Coast to the West Coast.  So everybody, get sewing!!!

Date of our Christmas Party is December 4th.  Please keep that date open.

And let's not forget Show and Tell -

This is Anna's circles - started last year, embellished like crazy at Retreat, and substantially disembellished for it's showing last night.  Sometimes, you just gotta undo!!  Looks beautiful!!

And Julia - we've seen this before unfinished, but now it's finished and gorgeous!!  Julia used some variegated thread on the borders and tufted the inside.  Looks really great!!

Well, that's all for now folks and it's about time too, eh?  Well, sometimes there's just a bunch of news!!!

Have fun quilting!!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Unveiling!!

Hi Quilters:

Sorry this is a little late as the meeting was a week ago yesterday.  Some of us are not so fast and actually were away for a few days golfing, or sort of golfing.  But here I am now ready to show you the official UNVEILING of our mystery quilts.  Some real beauties!!!

As you can see, the maker is hiding behind the quilt, but, I hope I am correct, this is Linda's.  Kind of reminds one of the circus!!!

And this is Mary's.  Mary took a different approach and used scraps for the yellow, brown, and stars.
Gave it quite a different and very interesting  look!!

And this is Rita's.  Again, she used multi fabrics for the center blocks, and what a different look!!!

And, of course, there are always those who don't seem to be able to follow the rules!!!!  But what can you say except WOW!!!  This is Anna doing her own "drum" thing.

And another rule breaker!!!  Well, it certainly
makes things interesting.  Sandra didn't like the stars, so she didn't put them in.  After all, it is her quilt.

Sorry, the next two are a little blurry - I mean the pictures - not the quilts!  The quilts are lovely!  This one is Audrey's.....

and Debbie's.  Now doesn't that grab your attention - in the best possible way, of course!!!

Others can be see on the blog before the last one.  A very creative bunch.

These two are Rita's.  One is the front and the other is the back.  Beautiful!!!

There was not a lot of "Show and Tell" on this Tuesday.  The weather was really crummy and so many members were not able to make it.  Julia gave us a breakdown of all the things she has planned for the upcoming year and it looks like we'll all be kept on our toes!!  Well, we'll definitely be on our 'machines' anyway!!  Next on the agenda is a shop hop, well, actually, a one-shop hop.  We are all going out to Claire's in Laval for what sounds like a great evening.  What could possible be wrong with spending time in a quilt store????  Absolutely nothing!!! 

You're up to date!


Monday, September 17, 2012

First Meeting of the Year

On Tuesday, September 4, 2012, the first meeting of the guild took place. At that time, a few of our quilters showed quilts that they had worked on or finished this summer.
Audrey completed the top for a strip quilt destined for a new addition to her family. 

Jae's First Quilt
Congratulations to Jae who worked hard and finished her first quilt! It features a beautiful geometric design set against white sashing and machine quilted.

Floral Stained Glass Design

Linda worked on a stained glass design. Initial quilting "in the ditch" was completed and she was looking for ideas with which to bring focus to some of the squares.

Mary completed the project of a hand quilting course she attended. Look at her stitches!

In the Garden
And I finally completed a project started by my mother-in-law, Conny, discovered in a box after she had passed away. My first attempt at machine quilting but not my last (thanks to Allison and Leah Day). My daughter is thrilled with baby quilt #2!
A few of our mystery quilt challenges were also unveiled, but I have decided to wait until after our next meeting, when all will be revealed, to post them. It just didn't seem fair...



Hi WEQuilters:

It was a GREAT weekend at the Hermitage!!  Weather was beautiful, except for Friday night when we had the BIG storm, lost power and so had to stop working,  So sad!!  But the next day we worked like demons!!  France was in the sewing room before most of us were even up!!  And here she is showing off her beautiful applique to Allison and Rita.

Charlotte worked soooo hard that she finished her project in record time on Saturday morning and was then looking for more work to do.  Allison happily obliged.  (note big pile of strips in front of Charlotte).  She happily sewed strips together for the rest of the weekend.  Allison will be using these for the border of our fabulous raffle quilt.  Next year Charlotte will be bringing more than one project!!!

Mary hard at work on her mystery quilt and it's beautiful!!!  Hand quilting, if you can believe.

WOW!!!  Look at that stash.  Wouldn't you love to have THAT!!  Linda choosing fabulous, fun fabrics for two very young men on her gift list.  Lucky boys!!

Rita's first time at a quilt retreat and it was fun to watch her work! Whereas the rest of us are trying to work under a pile of fabric, scraps scattered everywhere, scissors not to be found, chaos all around, Rita is organized - soooooo organized!!!!  

Anna hand quilting to the point of Pain!!!, but what beautiful work.  Her quilt is gorgeous - what started off as one small square has turned into a beautiful quilt.  She bought so many "perfect matches" for the one little square, she had to use them all to come up with what you see here!!  Beautiful!!  That's Mary, our fearless Prez watching and giving some tips?!?!?
And here's  Allison  working so diligently on our raffle quilt.  See the small squares in front of her, that's the quilt!   After we all contributed out smallpieces, Allison is putting them all together. What a job!!!  Many thanks to Allison for all her hard work. 

And finally, Pam.  Pam was working on a project she started a while ago and looks like it will now get finished with all that work time on the weekend. 

And, actually, I was there too, on the weekend!!!  You just don't see me. 

And these are some shots of our quilting home away
from home.  Beautiful, beautiful spot.  We have 
already reserved our time for next year - same 
weekend, so all of you who weren't able to make 

Pretty chilly looking bunch.
it this year, reserve the time for next year so you 
can join us.  It's great fun and great working 

Dining Room 


Not huge, but actually quite comfortable

Good night!

Don't forget everyone, next meeting is on Tuesday, September  18th.  Bring your mystery quilts!!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Well, what a night we had last night!!! Those of you who weren't there - you really missed a good one. France gave an excellent workshop on beading! She supplied us with kits to make a 5" x 6" pouch and even supplied us with all the beads!! She showed us a variety of ways to attach the beads and techniques to make wonderful designs. Next class she will show us how to put the lined, zippered pouch together. But before that we have to get started on our design and the beading. Take a look at the pictures - do you think we're working really, really hard. You bet!!

Our wonderful teacher, France and her hardworking students!

Thanks France, it was a fun evening!!!!