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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meeting,October 19, 2010

A week later - but better late than never. Let me see if I can remember a few things we discussed. Of course, the show was high on the list. Sandra had raffle tickets for us- ask for some if you haven't collected yours yet!

Mary T. and Lise have agreed to organize the Silent Auction. So- take a look around your house for items which could appeal to others - quilt related or otherwise. You could also offer something like quilting lessons, too.

We briefly discussed what to do with the bursaries we were granted at the AGM. Everyone should be thinking of a workshop, etc. which would be appealing- bearing in mind that we need to have something to show next October.

Coming up- Christmas Tree decorating at the Museum of Fine Arts - Thursday, Dec.2 in the AM - with lunch to follow, if last year is an example. Think about it and let Sandra know if you would be available.

We welcomed a new member - Paula - who brought some great show-and tell. This is a really ambitious quilt for a relatively new quilter. She also shared her discovery of a source for inexpensive fabric- including extra wide stuff - Alisha Fabrics at 9600 St-Laurent

Audrey brought a beautiful cushion (if my memory serves me correctly - gorgeous colours. Incidentally, Audrey has offered to do a workshop featuring her nifty little purses - time/date TBA

We enjoyed seeing Charlotte's first quilt which she started last year at our work day- well done.

Colleen has been working on a quilt for a friend- really cute Sunbonnet Sue's.

Heather has been playing with hexagons and is very pleased with the results. These are tiny ones, too - very impressive!

Mary T. brought the quilt she has made for her grand daughter - beautiful cats centered in a stunning red rail fence ! Lucky girl - this is a wonderful gift from Grandma!

Sorry that's about where my camera exhausted its battery. Next time- I'll try to learn something about cropping!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

CQQ - AGM October 16, 2010

It was a long day - but one which the 8 of us in attendance thoroughly enjoyed. We were among 149 attendees there to participate in the election of next year's executive (nearly all positions filled - I think there's still an opening for the editor of The Journal), sew a mystery block, enjoy an extensive show-and-tell and hope to win doorprizes. Also announced were the guilds being granted educational bursaries - we were awarded one for $300 to be used to bring in a teacher, etc. We also received a $150 bursary to be used for our community service project. We will be expected to show off the results of the educational one at next year's AGM in Lachute - so please be prepared to attend! We will have the option of displaying the quilts made for our community project as well.

The mystery block this year involved 4 small cream/ivory squares and 4 identical squares of a bright Chistmas print. We were given sewing instructions and then we were off! As the blocks were completed, they were added to the design board. Eventually all will be joined into a quilt which will be a grand door prize at a future AGM.

Speaking of mystery block quilts, this is a close-up of the quilt which was the grand door prize this year. It started life as the mystery block in 2008, and is all batiks - absolutely gorgeous. It was happily won by one of the ladies who worked on it right up to the night before this meeting

Show-and-Tell was wonderful - not the least of which were the projects done by the guilds winning last year's bursaries. We have a lot to live up to!!!

Sandra showed her lovely quilted jacket - to the admiration of all! Diane found a quilt top on the white Elephant table which is made of nurse's uniform material - at least some of it from The Montreal General.

France showed her hexagon quilt- many had seen her work on it last year, and had said they'd like to see the completed project. She did not disappoint! She also brought our raffle quilt and sold tickets, too. Thanks France!

So- all in all, a great day. Meryl was the lucky winner of a year- or two's -free membership in CQQ (can't remember which!)Just found out that Pam won a door prize, as well.

Coming up - the South Shore Quilters Guild will be holding their show Friday, Oct.29 - Sunday, Oct.31 at the St-Lambert Golf Chalet, 325 Golf Street, St-Lambert. Hours- 10-4 each day.
Happy quilting!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meeting, October 5,2010

Our show was the main topic of discussion this evening. We have reserved the racks and all seems to be steaming towards the big event. Sandra brought some beautiful cards she has made, featuring quilts from our last show. Her daughter has some at her store, Artistri, and we will be selling them both at our Christmas dinner and at our show. These would make great gifts- unique and truly attractive.

We welcomed a new member, Charlotte - it's always special when we have someone jump on board with us. If anyone knows of a quilter , or would-be quilter, looking for a home, bring them along!

Our retreat dates for next year have been confirmed for the end of November (I think 25-27)- yes, that's right- November- everything else was booked up! We have been put on a waiting list for two September weekends, so we'll see. These retreat houses are popular- especially if a large work space is needed. Put this on your calendar- if you haven't tried a retreat before, you'll find the experience to be one you'll look forward to each year!

Apparently Anna handed out the challenge for this year last week - if you missed as I did, you'll need to pick up your individualized challenge from Anna. She's done an amazing job, all based on the first letter of your name. Beyond that, I couldn't hope to describe properly!!

Show and Tell was, as always, a treat. Audrey brought two owls ( remember France's owls?) which are adorable. Linda's retreat quilt destined for her grandson is almost finished - theme- CARS! Lise is venturing into applique , with France's help, and Pam is hoping to get her food challenge finished - it looks terrific! We have to work on the photography part of this - it's never been my strong point! Allison circulated some interesting books- I'm looking forward to spending more time with the feather technique one sometime.

Remember- the CQQ AGM is on Oct. 16 - details on their website or in the Journal - quite a few of us plan to go, so consider joining us. Last year was lots of fun- looking forward to this year. You'll need a lunch, a mug and the fabric pieces outlined in the Journal for the mystery square along with a basic sewing kit.

Happy Quilting!