This is my third try!!! Sometimes this thing just won't co-operate!! Debbie where are you!?!?!?!?!
Well, we've had a busy few weeks. This is one of those few times when we have meetings back-to-back because there are 3 meetings in one month. So there's a bit to cover.
First off, the 6-Border Challenge. The Unveiling was held and some of our girls went to see all the entries. Below are the ones entered by our members.
This is Mary's. You've see some of this before at the Retreat, but this is now the finished version. Absolutely beautiful!!! Who can resist those COLOURS!!! Great work Mary.
And here's Anna. Again, you saw the beginning of this
at the Retreat, but here it is with all borders finished.
Once again, WOW. Look at those colours!!!! Some
people have no fear!!! Good job Anna.
And here's Allison's!!! And leave it to Allison to come up
with something completely off-the-wall!!! WOW!!! Wonder where she comes up with these ideas. Looks like she's pretty happy with it too!!! You never disappoint, Allison!!
The above three are the Show and Tell that meeting.
The one on the left is Allison's. Unfortunately, the computer refuses to see this as an ocean scene!! What it sees, I have no idea, but try to envision it on it's side. It's beautiful and what you can't see is that the foam is all beaded. In the middle (below) is Rita's sewing machine cover. Never has a sewing machine been so well cared for. The quilt on the right is also Rita's. I think we have another over achiever here.
Our first overachiever is Jae. If you remember, she bought a bunch of fabrics the evening we were at Claires' and I joked that we would see a finished quilt by next meeting. Well, I wasn't far wrong. Here are two pictures. The first one was shown at our first meeting after Claires, pinned, and the second one is the next meeting (one week later) with the center all sewn and the borders all ready to be attached. Wouldn't we all like to produce like that!!!!
And here's Julia giving us a workshop
on Cathedral Windows. She recently spent some time out East and entertained us with
her stories, pictures, and teachings. Great
job Julia!!!
And finally, for Show and Tell, Anna, (left) and yet ANOTHER quilt. This one has 100% cotton batting which she hand quilted. She won't do that again!!! And on the right, Sandra and her new jacket with fabric she bought at the Vermont Quilt Show. So, you can see every Guild has the "quickies" and the "slowpokes". Oh well, as long as we're still quilting!!!!
Speaking of quilting, we will all be getting together this Saturday, Nov. 17th, at the Church, to continue our work on our Raffle Quilt and the Quilts of Valour. We will start somewhere around 10am and probably finished about 3pm. You don't have to come for the whole thing, but try to drop in and spend some time with us. We'd love to see you!!!
Happy quilting!!!