Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Hi Everyone:
Great meeting last week!
Lots of Show and Tell
and great instructions and
inspiration from Anna for
our triangle challenge.
And here she is - the
wizzard of the triangle!!!
Showing off her stuff!!
Four new faces at our
meeting and three of them
already had stuff to show us.
First, Robyn and her beautiful
Batman quilt! She's proposing
to hand quilt it - and we all wish
her well, especially those of us
who have given up and resorted
to machine quilting (all in the
name of saving time, of course -
more time - more quilts!!!)
Now, on to Linda. She took Audrey's workshop to make turrets and got right at it! And what a super result. A really fast learner - AND a super fast worker. Looks like Jae and Rita might just
have some competition!!:)
Next is Cindy. Cindy is starting and most of us recognize the sketch pad AND the hand piecing!!!
How many of us are going to make a quilt by
hand ever again???!!? Good luck, Cindy!!
On to our regulars - here's Barbara with one of her inspiring quilts - all fused! What fabulous colour!!!
Rita, - the top one is just strips of
scraps - had to believe it could
look so amazing!!
The second
one, squares in squares. Rita
likes to work with solid fabrics
and does so quite successfully!!!
Sandra, with two new ones.
Top one is "Snowbirds" - fabrics from Vermont and the lower is the first for the 'preemies' at the Royal Vic.
And last, but definitely not least,
is Jae. You can see Jae is a little
camera shy. I don't know why,
she does beautiful work.
Jae's sewing machine is not working
right now so she decided to do some
cross-stitch - pillow covers - 2 of them.
Isn't it beautiful???!!
Pina was with us also and hopefully she will have
something to show us real soon!
That's all for now folks! What a packed evening!!!
Next meeting - Crazy Hankie Workshop by Diane on Nov. 19th.
And don't forget, Christmas dinner at Linda's on Dec. 10th, 6:30.
This year it will be hors d'oeuvres. We always seem to have WAY
to much food, so we're trying something new!
Happy quilting everybody!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Hi Everyone:
Again, sorry for the delay, but I was away, relaxing and buying lots and lots of quilt fabric in Vermont last week. So unfortunately, I missed the last Guild meeting in which Audrey was teaching everyone how to make trivets!!! Hopefully, someone save me all the notes.
But, I was here for our Open House and we were all very pleased with the turnout. We had the room
"decorated" with all our quilts, large and small, and
some of our Quilts of Valour. Here we are with some
of our visitors, hopefully new friends and members.
Many of us had brought work in so we could show
our visitors how we worked. It was a fun few hours!!
We even had a visit from a journalist of the new Free
Press, which I understand will be a Montreal West
I understand from Mary, our Prez, that 4 new people showed up to our last Guild meeting. Very hopeful!!! Always fun to have new people - new ideas!
Now, on to today's AGM. As you can see
there was a huge turnout!! "Breakfast" was ready
for us when we arrived, served with hot coffee
or tea, and was plentiful!! Les Pointes Folles
hosted this year's event and did a fabulous job.
They even prepared a dessert for all of us, in
addition to all the goodies they had for us when
we came in. No one is going to want to take
on this job next year!!!
We got our instructions to put together the fabric
pieces we had cut before our arrival, and quickly
got to work. Then we had to trade amongst our
own table, or with others, and put them together
four in a row.
Here's where we were this morning,
And here's where we were this
This quilt is
going to be
Here's our happy little group, all busy as bees,
putting together our flying geese!!
Sorry I cut off Mary's head - I'm there too, you
just don't see me!
For those of you who missed the meeting - just a few
little tidbits FYI. I think most of you have received
this already from Anna, but in case:-
This was the 25th Anniversary of the CQQ, WOW
time has flown, and quilters were happy to help
celebrate - there were 29 guilds represented!!
Out of a total of 46 - that's pretty impressive!!
There are 507 members in total, and it sure
sounded like they were all there today!!
Now, here's the really good news! Linda won
a free CQQ membership, and the Guild (Yes,
our Guild) won the Community Service
Bursary for $150. AND the Educational Bursary for $300. Congrats to us!!!
Well, you're pretty up-to-date now. Hopefully next year more of our group will be able to make
the AGM. It's really important for us to support this umbrella-group that takes care of all of us.
Again, sorry for the delay, but I was away, relaxing and buying lots and lots of quilt fabric in Vermont last week. So unfortunately, I missed the last Guild meeting in which Audrey was teaching everyone how to make trivets!!! Hopefully, someone save me all the notes.
But, I was here for our Open House and we were all very pleased with the turnout. We had the room
"decorated" with all our quilts, large and small, and
some of our Quilts of Valour. Here we are with some
of our visitors, hopefully new friends and members.
Many of us had brought work in so we could show
our visitors how we worked. It was a fun few hours!!
We even had a visit from a journalist of the new Free
Press, which I understand will be a Montreal West
I understand from Mary, our Prez, that 4 new people showed up to our last Guild meeting. Very hopeful!!! Always fun to have new people - new ideas!
Now, on to today's AGM. As you can see
there was a huge turnout!! "Breakfast" was ready
for us when we arrived, served with hot coffee
or tea, and was plentiful!! Les Pointes Folles
hosted this year's event and did a fabulous job.
They even prepared a dessert for all of us, in
addition to all the goodies they had for us when
we came in. No one is going to want to take
on this job next year!!!
We got our instructions to put together the fabric
pieces we had cut before our arrival, and quickly
got to work. Then we had to trade amongst our
own table, or with others, and put them together
four in a row.
Here's where we were this morning,
And here's where we were this
This quilt is
going to be
Here's our happy little group, all busy as bees,
putting together our flying geese!!
Sorry I cut off Mary's head - I'm there too, you
just don't see me!
For those of you who missed the meeting - just a few
little tidbits FYI. I think most of you have received
this already from Anna, but in case:-
This was the 25th Anniversary of the CQQ, WOW
time has flown, and quilters were happy to help
celebrate - there were 29 guilds represented!!
Out of a total of 46 - that's pretty impressive!!
There are 507 members in total, and it sure
sounded like they were all there today!!
Now, here's the really good news! Linda won
a free CQQ membership, and the Guild (Yes,
our Guild) won the Community Service
Bursary for $150. AND the Educational Bursary for $300. Congrats to us!!!
Well, you're pretty up-to-date now. Hopefully next year more of our group will be able to make
the AGM. It's really important for us to support this umbrella-group that takes care of all of us.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Hi Everyone:
Another successful meeting on Tuesday.
We discussed our Open House on
October 5th and made final plans.
Hopefully we'll meet some new quilters
and see some old friends!!!
Barbara has just finished a show with
2 other artists and brought us a couple
of her smaller quilts to show us.
The first one is her thoughts on
Montreal in the summer!!
Next, in memory of Lac Megantic.
Very moving.
And last, well, of course, babies!!
Here's Allison with a sample of
Folded Japanese Patchwork.
The backing square is larger
than the front square, and is
folded over the sewn down.
Get it? Well, a little confusing, but
beautiful!!! Wasn't made by our
Guild though. Too bad!
Anna has issued the Guild a challenge
to come up with a quilt based on triangles
by the end of the year! Here she's showing
us an example of what can be done -
"Broken Dishes".
Rita - problem solving and
the next quilt being made for
a co-workers baby. Once
Yeah, only one year later!!
Hey, who am I to talk, some
people, who shall remain
nameless, NEVER finished!!
Congrats Mary!!!
Our donation to the
Quilts of Valour.
Beautiful!! Pieced by
guild members, machine
quilted by Sandra and
bound my Mary. Great
job everyone!!! One
more to go .....
And a HUGE BRAVO!!! to Charlotte -
we are finally getting to see one of
her pieces. Pretty fantastic!! Now
to the machine quilting. Also her
first attempt. Brave soul!!!
Congratulations Charlotte.
Looking forward to the next
That's all for now folks.
Remember everyone,
Saturday, October 5th
is our Open House at the
church in our regular room.
Please come and spend
some time with us. If you're
no longer a member, we
would love to see you.
Another successful meeting on Tuesday.
We discussed our Open House on
October 5th and made final plans.
Hopefully we'll meet some new quilters
and see some old friends!!!
Barbara has just finished a show with
2 other artists and brought us a couple
of her smaller quilts to show us.
The first one is her thoughts on
Montreal in the summer!!
Next, in memory of Lac Megantic.
Very moving.
And last, well, of course, babies!!
Here's Allison with a sample of
Folded Japanese Patchwork.
The backing square is larger
than the front square, and is
folded over the sewn down.
Get it? Well, a little confusing, but
beautiful!!! Wasn't made by our
Guild though. Too bad!
Anna has issued the Guild a challenge
to come up with a quilt based on triangles
by the end of the year! Here she's showing
us an example of what can be done -
"Broken Dishes".
Rita - problem solving and
the next quilt being made for
a co-workers baby. Once
Yeah, only one year later!!
Hey, who am I to talk, some
people, who shall remain
nameless, NEVER finished!!
Congrats Mary!!!
Our donation to the
Quilts of Valour.
Beautiful!! Pieced by
guild members, machine
quilted by Sandra and
bound my Mary. Great
job everyone!!! One
more to go .....
And a HUGE BRAVO!!! to Charlotte -
we are finally getting to see one of
her pieces. Pretty fantastic!! Now
to the machine quilting. Also her
first attempt. Brave soul!!!
Congratulations Charlotte.
Looking forward to the next
That's all for now folks.
Remember everyone,
Saturday, October 5th
is our Open House at the
church in our regular room.
Please come and spend
some time with us. If you're
no longer a member, we
would love to see you.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Well, we're back from another hugely successful retreat -
needing a little sleep probably, but wonderfully satisfied
with all the work we accomplished!!!!
I'll give you a little "Show and Tell" of our weekend.
Anna has issued a "challenge" to make a quilt (small) using triangles in some fashion. Here she is hard at work preparing all sorts of samples to inspire us!!
Next, Rita, our super-producer,is making a quilt "Wedding Quilt" for a co-worker who's getting married soon. Don't we all wish we worked with a co-worker like that!!!
Here's a small portion of that quilt. Beautiful, eh?!!! Of course, we all know Rita will be finished, by, let's see, 10:00??!!
Marilyn, our import from Sudbury, wants me to note that she is actually working on something
traditional - if you can call working with Kaffe Fasset fabrics - traditional!
Of course, Marilyn does a gazillion other things, one of which is dying fabric. So she and Allison gave us two different techniques dying fabric. Fascinating!!!
This is the fabric in the fridge.
And this is the result! Fabulous!!!!
Mary shows off the quilt she is working on from a
Sheila Wintle class she took. We won't tell you when
the class was, but suffice to say "better late than never"!!
And here's the finished project. WOW!!! Good
job, Mary!!
Linda was working on a quilt for her husband.
Modern Maze is a gorgeous quilt using all grays,
blacks and whites. And that shot of RED! I think he'll be very happy!!!
Mary's working on a quilt of her own design for her grand-daughter who is a hockey fanatic!!! Mary is actually hand quilting this one. That's a lot of work!!
Allison is VERY happy with her project - paper piecing,
morphing oregami birds!?!? You have to ask Allison.
Allison moves to the beat of her own drum, you can
tell by the little red wires hanging out of her ears!! :)
Here's Sandra working on a quilt using fabric
she bought about 10 years ago for a workshop
and never used - well, not all of it anyway. She
finally found a pattern that she thinks suits the
crazy fabric.
And here's that crazy fabric!! Pretty bright!!
France working hard on Wagon Wheels.
For her husband, maybe, if he's lucky!!
And finally, two very important times of the day - tea time :) and food time!!!
It was a great weekend and everyone seemed to have a super time. Good friends, good camaraderie and good quilting!!! What more can you ask for!!! Can't wait for next year!
needing a little sleep probably, but wonderfully satisfied
with all the work we accomplished!!!!
I'll give you a little "Show and Tell" of our weekend.
Anna has issued a "challenge" to make a quilt (small) using triangles in some fashion. Here she is hard at work preparing all sorts of samples to inspire us!!
Next, Rita, our super-producer,is making a quilt "Wedding Quilt" for a co-worker who's getting married soon. Don't we all wish we worked with a co-worker like that!!!
Here's a small portion of that quilt. Beautiful, eh?!!! Of course, we all know Rita will be finished, by, let's see, 10:00??!!
Marilyn, our import from Sudbury, wants me to note that she is actually working on something
traditional - if you can call working with Kaffe Fasset fabrics - traditional!
Of course, Marilyn does a gazillion other things, one of which is dying fabric. So she and Allison gave us two different techniques dying fabric. Fascinating!!!
This is the fabric in the fridge.
And this is the result! Fabulous!!!!
Mary shows off the quilt she is working on from a
Sheila Wintle class she took. We won't tell you when
the class was, but suffice to say "better late than never"!!
And here's the finished project. WOW!!! Good
job, Mary!!
Linda was working on a quilt for her husband.
Modern Maze is a gorgeous quilt using all grays,
blacks and whites. And that shot of RED! I think he'll be very happy!!!
Mary's working on a quilt of her own design for her grand-daughter who is a hockey fanatic!!! Mary is actually hand quilting this one. That's a lot of work!!
Allison is VERY happy with her project - paper piecing,
morphing oregami birds!?!? You have to ask Allison.
Allison moves to the beat of her own drum, you can
tell by the little red wires hanging out of her ears!! :)
Here's Sandra working on a quilt using fabric
she bought about 10 years ago for a workshop
and never used - well, not all of it anyway. She
finally found a pattern that she thinks suits the
crazy fabric.
And here's that crazy fabric!! Pretty bright!!
France working hard on Wagon Wheels.
For her husband, maybe, if he's lucky!!
And finally, two very important times of the day - tea time :) and food time!!!
It was a great weekend and everyone seemed to have a super time. Good friends, good camaraderie and good quilting!!! What more can you ask for!!! Can't wait for next year!
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