On Saturday, October 18, 2014, seven of our members drove to Rawdon for the CQQ AGM. We had a good guild presence as we had won two bursaries last year and were showing the results of our workshop and community project. We had to leave home at 7:30 so we were all ready for the coffee and breads prepared by the Rawdon Guild when we arrived. We were soon working on our mystery blocks. We had to bring two five inch squares of either blue or pink flowered material and were each given four small white squares to sew onto the corners. Many people were finished their squares before the instructions were given.
The meeting began, changes to the by-laws were approved and all the executive positions were filled. None of us volunteered. The CQQ now has it's first male president. Denis Justin Lajoie from Art Sous La Quilt Guild in the Outaouais put his name in for president and as there were no other nominations he was acclaimed! At coffee and lunch time we sold some of our Raffle Quilt tickets. A good start to our show. Charlotte was the best sales person.
Charlotte, Mary T, Linda, Roz, Rita and Sandra having lunch.
Mary T, Linda, Roz, Rita and Mary S with our new president, Denis Justin Lajoie in the back left.
These are some of the mystery blocks, blue and pink being assembled. We will see if they make two quilts, one of each colour.
This is the mystery quilt made two years ago and won by Vendor Phyllis Moody.
We proudly displayed our banner.
There were over 150 members at the meeting including a few men and three vendors.
Here are some of our Elaine Quehl quilts. They were displayed during the meeting and then we held them up and explained our work towards the end of the meeting. They were very well received especially Audrey's water lilies.
Here are some of our preemie quilts on display. We also held these up and marched them through the room.
There were only a few member's show and tell so the meeting wrapped up at 3 PM and we were back in Montreal in good time just after 4PM until we hit St Jacques West!