Hi Everyone:
Well, I decided to try again. The blogspot and I were having a little disagreement on how to handle the pictures. Of course the blogspot won - as always!!! I took a couple of days to pout and to question why they always have to change something that already works perfectly well!! Anyway, it is what it is and I am back to try again.
So, Tuesday night, Allison
gave an excellent workshop
on making our own frames for
smaller, or 'art' quilts.
She gave us many ideas:
buying already made up frames
with canvas (you can get these
at the $ Store), or using stretcher
bars, using a photo frame.

She also showed us how
to make our own frames using
a few simple tools - a mitre box,
carpenter's glue, clamps and
corrugated reinforcers. .

Allison also gave us a great
method for handling the
corners so as to cut down
on the bulk. It was a
great workshop with a lot
of info.

Our Show and Tell featured
Barbara with her two preemie
quilts. Beautiful!!
Next up - Roz. Roz is certainly
challenging Jae and her
productivity!! Roz's bags -
one is large enough to carry
a large ruler and cutting mat
to workshops!!
The next two are from Jae,
of course. The bow ties are

made up of folded pieces.
Next is her baby quilt and
the luxurious, soft backing!!
These two are from
France. Her 'strawberry"
pot holder, or trivet, and
her beautiful appliqued bag.

Marilyn was back
visiting us again. It was
great to see her again!!
She promises she will be
back for our show in May
and I am sure she will have
tons of stuff to display.
Marilyn is doing a lot
of 'felting' right now. Her
work is beautiful, and
here are some samples.

And last, but definitely not
least, is Mary's elephant
quilt for her soon-to-be
Well, that's about it for now. Don't forget Roz has
generously offered her place for a Saturday "sewing
day". If you plan on going, please let Roz know.
Happy quilting everyone!!!