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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meeting, Sept.22

Lots of information came our way at this meeting- I'll try to remember all that happened!

First ,we received Allison's programme for the year - looks really interesting, with something for all. The next two meetings will feature:

Oct. 6 - France talking about and demonstrating English paper piecing , history and techniques. She suggest that we bring fabric and a sewing kit. We will issue an invitation to Loose Threads to join us for this meeting. Check out the Co-op link to see what they are up to.

Oct. 17 - don't forget CQQ AGM

Oct. 20 - we'll discuss our blog ( if I can do it, believe me, anyone can!); sort fabric found in our cupboard and have a scrap bag sale ($2 per bag)

Then on into November when we will start making baby/toddler quilts for Elizabeth House - possibly using a really easy disappearing nine patch pattern Allsion tried at Retreat. We might also use a scrappy strip pattern Linda tried - both super easy and relatively fast. We still need donations of fabric, notions, etc. for these quilting bees.

We welcomed Julia ,a new member, who immediately endeared herself to us by coming with fudge - delicious!She showed us a stunning wall hanging featuring her favourite colour, purple, which was a challenge winner at another guild.

Speaking of challenges- Allison gave us ours - this year on the wonderful theme of FOOD. Size, from 8.5 x 11" to 24 by 24 (or anything in between). The usual- must have three layers, use whatever techniques, embellishments you like. Have this ready for our closing dinner on June 15. I'm looking forward to this one - lots of ideas percolating - now to get them translated into a project!

We had show-and-tell, of course - sorry, no pictures, and my descriptions would hardly do everything justice! One thing of note, though- Heather told us about an exciting project making tactile quilts for Alzheimer patients - if you are interested, give her a call.

All in all- an interesting (and very warm) evening.

1 comment:

MaryS said...

Good report Linda. Now I know how to comment too!