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Sunday, October 18, 2009

CQQ's Annual General Meeting - Oct. 17th, 2009

Eight members of our Guild attended the meeting yesterday and greatly enjoyed the experience. The big room in Monkland Centre was filled with 145 of the 431 members of CQQ.

We all participated in the making of a mystery quilt planned by Catherine Hornstein. We each pieced two blocks by hand. They were cut later to design a Disappearing Nine-Patch pattern. (We thought of you, Allison!)
There was a lot to enjoy: the company of all these passionate quilters, the great show-and-tell, the vendors, and lots of goodies to eat!
We were able to register ahead of time, and without charge, for the Salon 2010 workshops. There were many draws for all kinds of prizes and bursaries. Unfortunately, none of us won.
A real fun day! I am looking forward to attending the next one, hosted by Les Courtepointières de l'Est.


LinMW said...

It was a great day! Even though none of us won anything, I think we all enjoyed the day (and the goodies!)

MaryS said...

It was a fun day, especially for an annual meeting. I was certainly happy to see so many hand quilted items in the Show and Tell, even the large quilts. None of us volenteered for the one last vacant position on the CQQ Executive, Publicity, even though they kept asking! Next time we need more positive thoughts about winning door prizes.