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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meeting, November 16

Better late than never, I suppose! My excuse this time is that we were blindsided by a major computer virus - really nasty and miserable to get rid of! We seem to have solved the problem - so here's a short update. No pictures this time- I'm rushing to leave for Nova Scotia where I will present my Curious George Quilt to my newest great nephew. I had fun with this one- used a disappearing ninepatch, so it was quite fast.

We had a wonderful evening with Linda Choclair (sp.??) from Elizabeth House. She had pictures from our evening together last June and a DVD made by a research team at, I think, McGill featuring some of the Moms , their artwork and very poignant thoughts. I was impressed by the courage these girls possess.

Remember, our potluck is coming up at Audrey's on the 7th. A signup sheet was circulated at the meeting - if you missed it- don't worry- I think Allison has the info if you need it (regarding the food, that is).

Sandra told us that we have fallen heir to about 5 boxes of excellent fabric. We'll probably have to get together at some point to sort through the other stuff, and maybe try to think of things to do with some of it.

Allison circulated a list of some available teachers with their websites- there are some really interesting ideas on it- so check your email from a week or so ago, print off the list and start surfing! We will try to find someone for September, with a view to having something to show at the October General Meeting.

Don't forget- the Beaconsfield Guild is presenting 100 Years of Quilting at Centennial Hall this coming weekend (exact hours on their website). The show will feature quilts from 1910 to the present and there will also be a tearoom. Well worth a visit..

Hope to see everyone on the 7th!

Happy quilting!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Meeting Nov.2

Hello again-

Time for another update!

We were few in number- but enthusiastic in spirit. Besides- we were able to welcome a guest and prospective member- Evelyn - and that always makes us happy!

We learned from Sandra that all seems to be in order for the racks for the show- a relief since the new ones we're borrowing (renting) from CQQ were causing some consternation - heavier, bigger and more expensive- but all seems well.

We briefly discussed the sleeves for hanging- a depth of at least 5 inches is recommended

Next meeting- November 16th will give us the opportunity to catch up with Linda from Elizabeth House- she'll be visiting us to give us an update on the quilts and recipients which we presented last June.

Again, we talked a bit about the class we need to organize with our bursary $$. Alison (welcome home!) gave us a few ideas with regard to teachers- will bring more details soon. We also tossed around a few community service ideas - more to follow. One interesting idea for the latter came from Sandra who suggested we investigate the possibility of teaching some of the Moms at Elizabeth House how to quilt - sounds like a great idea- we can talk it over with Linda next meeting.

Audrey has the new membership lists for our guild along with membership cards ( a must when visiting quilt shops - we all like the discount) - get in touch with her if you haven't got yours yet.

Mary S. brought along a survey sent by CQA - really looking for the reasons we don't all attend their big show (next in London, ON - end of May)- we basically kept coming back to the problem of distance and money!

A reminder about decorating the Christmas trees at the Museum- Thursday, Dec. 2 - 9 A.M. - let Sandra know if you want/can join in. Then, take down will be from 10 AM on Jan. 3.

Then on to Show-and-Tell:

Audrey brought the cutest Gentleman Bear, complete with crazy quilt vest - absolutely adorable and - might I say- elegant for a bear!!

Charlotte is making strides with her quilt - it's sandwiched and ready for quilting.

Meryl decided to use the blocks we made at the Quilt-As-You-Go workshop , cleverly transformed them into chair cushions. My photography doesn't do them justice- they are colourful and comfy - great idea.

Sandra brought a small purse she had made - sorry my pic. really didn't work- which led to Audrey showing us a wallet she made a while ago- lots of good ideas of things to make for the show's boutique.

Lise and Pam are enjoying applique lessons from France- and we are looking forward to seeing the fruits of their labours.

Think that was about it - apologies if I forgot someone or something.

Oh yes- please be thinking about something to donate to the raffle basket(s) - this should be quilt related (definitely includes chocolate, wine, etc. etc.) Colleen and I will start collecting whenever you have something - and also remember the Silent Auction.

See you soon- happy quilting!