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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meeting, November 16

Better late than never, I suppose! My excuse this time is that we were blindsided by a major computer virus - really nasty and miserable to get rid of! We seem to have solved the problem - so here's a short update. No pictures this time- I'm rushing to leave for Nova Scotia where I will present my Curious George Quilt to my newest great nephew. I had fun with this one- used a disappearing ninepatch, so it was quite fast.

We had a wonderful evening with Linda Choclair (sp.??) from Elizabeth House. She had pictures from our evening together last June and a DVD made by a research team at, I think, McGill featuring some of the Moms , their artwork and very poignant thoughts. I was impressed by the courage these girls possess.

Remember, our potluck is coming up at Audrey's on the 7th. A signup sheet was circulated at the meeting - if you missed it- don't worry- I think Allison has the info if you need it (regarding the food, that is).

Sandra told us that we have fallen heir to about 5 boxes of excellent fabric. We'll probably have to get together at some point to sort through the other stuff, and maybe try to think of things to do with some of it.

Allison circulated a list of some available teachers with their websites- there are some really interesting ideas on it- so check your email from a week or so ago, print off the list and start surfing! We will try to find someone for September, with a view to having something to show at the October General Meeting.

Don't forget- the Beaconsfield Guild is presenting 100 Years of Quilting at Centennial Hall this coming weekend (exact hours on their website). The show will feature quilts from 1910 to the present and there will also be a tearoom. Well worth a visit..

Hope to see everyone on the 7th!

Happy quilting!

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