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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday's Guild Meeting

Hi Everyone:
A quick update on what's happening. Two main topics tonight - the CQQ AGM and Jennifer's Trunk Show. I guess about 8 - 10 of us will be heading up to Lachute with our "circle" or "design" quilts from our workshop. We won the bursury last year to be used for a teacher, so we have to show our 'stuff'.

We will be bringing our Christmas placemats for
Meals on Wheels and our Mom quilts for
Elizabeth House, one of which is pictured below.

Sure can't be sad looking at this quilt!!

Next order of business was the Trunk Show on October 18th, put on by Jennifer of Picket Fence in Brockville. She will also be bringing some goodies for us to buy!!! Needless to say we are all looking forward to that evening!!

This is our inhouse artist - Audrey! And boy, is she good. When she's not producing fabulous quilts, she does some incredible art. Here is a small sketch she whipped up. Pretty impressive, eh!! Very talented lady.

Now Show and Tell.

This is our new member Rita.
There's simply no stopping her.
We are all going to be playing
'catch up' to this young quilter

On our left is Julia with her wonky stars all made out of scrap fabric. Really pretty!!

And on the right is Mary, with her very creative "circles" design from our workshop with Bethany Garner. Beautiful!!!

Well, I guess you're all up-to-date now. We're all looking forward to our next meeting and Trunk Show with Jennifer. Hopefully some of our friends from the "Co-Op Quilters" will be with us. Entrance fee is non-perishable food for the food bank. See you then!!!



MaryS said...

Great work Sandra!

Lulu said...

You are all doing such wondefrul work. I am enjoying it all. Thanks for the great work postingSandra. Marilyn