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Monday, September 17, 2012

First Meeting of the Year

On Tuesday, September 4, 2012, the first meeting of the guild took place. At that time, a few of our quilters showed quilts that they had worked on or finished this summer.
Audrey completed the top for a strip quilt destined for a new addition to her family. 

Jae's First Quilt
Congratulations to Jae who worked hard and finished her first quilt! It features a beautiful geometric design set against white sashing and machine quilted.

Floral Stained Glass Design

Linda worked on a stained glass design. Initial quilting "in the ditch" was completed and she was looking for ideas with which to bring focus to some of the squares.

Mary completed the project of a hand quilting course she attended. Look at her stitches!

In the Garden
And I finally completed a project started by my mother-in-law, Conny, discovered in a box after she had passed away. My first attempt at machine quilting but not my last (thanks to Allison and Leah Day). My daughter is thrilled with baby quilt #2!
A few of our mystery quilt challenges were also unveiled, but I have decided to wait until after our next meeting, when all will be revealed, to post them. It just didn't seem fair...



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