Sorry this is a little late as the meeting was a week ago yesterday. Some of us are not so fast and actually were away for a few days golfing, or sort of golfing. But here I am now ready to show you the official UNVEILING of our mystery quilts. Some real beauties!!!
As you can see, the maker is hiding behind the quilt, but, I hope I am correct, this is Linda's. Kind of reminds one of the circus!!!
And this is Mary's. Mary took a different approach and used scraps for the yellow, brown, and stars.
Gave it quite a different and very interesting look!!
And this is Rita's. Again, she used multi fabrics for the center blocks, and what a different look!!!
And, of course, there are always those who don't seem to be able to follow the rules!!!! But what can you say except WOW!!! This is Anna doing her own "drum" thing.
And another rule breaker!!! Well, it certainly
makes things interesting. Sandra didn't like the stars, so she didn't put them in. After all, it is her quilt.
Sorry, the next two are a little blurry - I mean the pictures - not the quilts! The quilts are lovely! This one is Audrey's.....
and Debbie's. Now doesn't that grab your attention - in the best possible way, of course!!!
Others can be see on the blog before the last one. A very creative bunch.
These two are Rita's. One is the front and the other is the back. Beautiful!!!
There was not a lot of "Show and Tell" on this Tuesday. The weather was really crummy and so many members were not able to make it. Julia gave us a breakdown of all the things she has planned for the upcoming year and it looks like we'll all be kept on our toes!! Well, we'll definitely be on our 'machines' anyway!! Next on the agenda is a shop hop, well, actually, a one-shop hop. We are all going out to Claire's in Laval for what sounds like a great evening. What could possible be wrong with spending time in a quilt store???? Absolutely nothing!!!
You're up to date!