We are hard at work getting ready for our Quilt Show.
This Year there will be four vendors:
Louise Turcotte from L'Artisane and https://www.facebook.com/lartisane.stgabrieldebrandon
Styliste Et Complice https://www.facebook.com/stylisteetcomplice/
Both are quilt shops with fabric, notions, books and everything a quilter could want.
Amanda Elias from Atelier Fibre Arts will be promoting her sewing classes plus a few quilting items. https://www.atelierfiberarts.com/
We are very happy to have Valerie Gobeil a jewellery maker and artist who use uses fabric in her creations. https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/ValerieGobeil?ref=l2-shopheader-name
Here are our quilters hard at work these past three years. A lot of fabric has been cut in pieces and sewn back together and now all the creations are ready to be displayed.
Soon what is now a pile of quilts will be displayed for everyone enjoyment.
This was our last show. What will you see this time?
See you at the Show!