Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Meeting, November 16
We had a wonderful evening with Linda Choclair (sp.??) from Elizabeth House. She had pictures from our evening together last June and a DVD made by a research team at, I think, McGill featuring some of the Moms , their artwork and very poignant thoughts. I was impressed by the courage these girls possess.
Remember, our potluck is coming up at Audrey's on the 7th. A signup sheet was circulated at the meeting - if you missed it- don't worry- I think Allison has the info if you need it (regarding the food, that is).
Sandra told us that we have fallen heir to about 5 boxes of excellent fabric. We'll probably have to get together at some point to sort through the other stuff, and maybe try to think of things to do with some of it.
Allison circulated a list of some available teachers with their websites- there are some really interesting ideas on it- so check your email from a week or so ago, print off the list and start surfing! We will try to find someone for September, with a view to having something to show at the October General Meeting.
Don't forget- the Beaconsfield Guild is presenting 100 Years of Quilting at Centennial Hall this coming weekend (exact hours on their website). The show will feature quilts from 1910 to the present and there will also be a tearoom. Well worth a visit..
Hope to see everyone on the 7th!
Happy quilting!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Meeting Nov.2
Time for another update!
We were few in number- but enthusiastic in spirit. Besides- we were able to welcome a guest and prospective member- Evelyn - and that always makes us happy!
We learned from Sandra that all seems to be in order for the racks for the show- a relief since the new ones we're borrowing (renting) from CQQ were causing some consternation - heavier, bigger and more expensive- but all seems well.
We briefly discussed the sleeves for hanging- a depth of at least 5 inches is recommended
Next meeting- November 16th will give us the opportunity to catch up with Linda from Elizabeth House- she'll be visiting us to give us an update on the quilts and recipients which we presented last June.
Again, we talked a bit about the class we need to organize with our bursary $$. Alison (welcome home!) gave us a few ideas with regard to teachers- will bring more details soon. We also tossed around a few community service ideas - more to follow. One interesting idea for the latter came from Sandra who suggested we investigate the possibility of teaching some of the Moms at Elizabeth House how to quilt - sounds like a great idea- we can talk it over with Linda next meeting.
Audrey has the new membership lists for our guild along with membership cards ( a must when visiting quilt shops - we all like the discount) - get in touch with her if you haven't got yours yet.
Mary S. brought along a survey sent by CQA - really looking for the reasons we don't all attend their big show (next in London, ON - end of May)- we basically kept coming back to the problem of distance and money!
A reminder about decorating the Christmas trees at the Museum- Thursday, Dec. 2 - 9 A.M. - let Sandra know if you want/can join in. Then, take down will be from 10 AM on Jan. 3.
Then on to Show-and-Tell:
Audrey brought the cutest Gentleman Bear, complete with crazy quilt vest - absolutely adorable and - might I say- elegant for a bear!!
Charlotte is making strides with her quilt - it's sandwiched and ready for quilting.
Lise and Pam are enjoying applique lessons from France- and we are looking forward to seeing the fruits of their labours.
Think that was about it - apologies if I forgot someone or something.
Oh yes- please be thinking about something to donate to the raffle basket(s) - this should be quilt related (definitely includes chocolate, wine, etc. etc.) Colleen and I will start collecting whenever you have something - and also remember the Silent Auction.
See you soon- happy quilting!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Meeting,October 19, 2010
Mary T. and Lise have agreed to organize the Silent Auction. So- take a look around your house for items which could appeal to others - quilt related or otherwise. You could also offer something like quilting lessons, too.
We briefly discussed what to do with the bursaries we were granted at the AGM. Everyone should be thinking of a workshop, etc. which would be appealing- bearing in mind that we need to have something to show next October.
Coming up- Christmas Tree decorating at the Museum of Fine Arts - Thursday, Dec.2 in the AM - with lunch to follow, if last year is an example. Think about it and let Sandra know if you would be available.
We welcomed a new member - Paula - who brought some great show-and tell. This is a really ambitious quilt for a relatively new quilter. She also shared her discovery of a source for inexpensive fabric- including extra wide stuff - Alisha Fabrics at 9600 St-Laurent
Audrey brought a beautiful cushion (if my memory serves me correctly - gorgeous colours. Incidentally, Audrey has offered to do a workshop featuring her nifty little purses - time/date TBA
We enjoyed seeing Charlotte's first quilt which she started last year at our work day- well done.
Colleen has been working on a quilt for a friend- really cute Sunbonnet Sue's.
Heather has been playing with hexagons and is very pleased with the results. These are tiny ones, too - very impressive!
Mary T. brought the quilt she has made for her grand daughter - beautiful cats centered in a stunning red rail fence ! Lucky girl - this is a wonderful gift from Grandma!
Sorry that's about where my camera exhausted its battery. Next time- I'll try to learn something about cropping!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
CQQ - AGM October 16, 2010
France showed her hexagon quilt- many had seen her work on it last year, and had said they'd like to see the completed project. She did not disappoint! She also brought our raffle quilt and sold tickets, too. Thanks France!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Meeting, October 5,2010
We welcomed a new member, Charlotte - it's always special when we have someone jump on board with us. If anyone knows of a quilter , or would-be quilter, looking for a home, bring them along!
Our retreat dates for next year have been confirmed for the end of November (I think 25-27)- yes, that's right- November- everything else was booked up! We have been put on a waiting list for two September weekends, so we'll see. These retreat houses are popular- especially if a large work space is needed. Put this on your calendar- if you haven't tried a retreat before, you'll find the experience to be one you'll look forward to each year!
Apparently Anna handed out the challenge for this year last week - if you missed as I did, you'll need to pick up your individualized challenge from Anna. She's done an amazing job, all based on the first letter of your name. Beyond that, I couldn't hope to describe properly!!
Show and Tell was, as always, a treat. Audrey brought two owls ( remember France's owls?) which are adorable. Linda's retreat quilt destined for her grandson is almost finished - theme- CARS! Lise is venturing into applique , with France's help, and Pam is hoping to get her food challenge finished - it looks terrific! We have to work on the photography part of this - it's never been my strong point! Allison circulated some interesting books- I'm looking forward to spending more time with the feather technique one sometime.
Remember- the CQQ AGM is on Oct. 16 - details on their website or in the Journal - quite a few of us plan to go, so consider joining us. Last year was lots of fun- looking forward to this year. You'll need a lunch, a mug and the fabric pieces outlined in the Journal for the mystery square along with a basic sewing kit.
Happy Quilting!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Retreat 2010
Accomodations at the Ermitage are quite spiffy - a good sized bedroom complete with sink, comfortable bed, good reading light, rocking chair - and a window , in our case overlooking the grounds. I think France has a picture, which she'll probably post.
Our work room was enormous, and well equipped with tables of various sizes. A little lacking in outlets, a problem easily solved with extensions, power bars, etc. I appeciated the good light for working - and huge windows offered lots of natural light , too. Others staying in the house dropped by to see what we were doing, including one sister who shared her magnificent embroidery with us.
We took lots of snacks and LOTS of wine - we quite filled the small kitchen at our disposal. We were surprised to find the refrigerator stocked with juice, water, etc. . We were also offered cereal in case we got hungry due to the early dinner hour (5 on Friday, 5:30 on Saturday)! All quite a nice touch!!
Meals were included - and the best we can say there is that they were institutional - the chef seems to be of the "cook it long and well" school of cookery. Nevertheless, there was always a small salad bar and fresh fruit. I must say it was nice not to have to think about carting meals, and to be able to make the most of our work and chat time.
All this to say- if you were unable to join us, but had hoped to- we missed you! Hopefully next year will work out. If you haven't thought about coming on the retreat- please give it some thought- it is a great way to share ideas, have fun with your fellow quilters- and best of all - get in some uninterrupted sewing time. I actually finished a quilt top for a grandson- which would probably have taken me weeks at home.
I'm sure France will be posting pictures - and many thanks to those who arranged this years outing - we all apprecialte it!
Hope to see everyone on Tuesday- at our new meeting spot at the United Church- best entrance is the Ballantyne one.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wine and Cheese at Elizabeth House
Fifteen of us showed up, plus Jennifer from Artistri who gave two door prizes from her store. Pam and Mary T. were the lucky winners.
The highlight of the night was when the young mothers came down with their beautiful babies to choose a quilt. It was very touching to put a face to our work.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Lots of Different Fabric!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Last meeting
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Salon 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
May 18
We saw a beautiful book featuring the many components of The Quilt of Belonging - I definitely have a visit on my list - apparently it will be here until about June 6. Allison has details ( I think she said they are on the blog, but I'm not sure where!) Those who took advantage of the visit and lecture a week or so ago whetted our appetites to see the real thing.
Several members visited the show in Ottawa, and brought some of their purchases to show and tell. Other show and tell's included a workshop quilt by Sandra finished by one of Linda Palaisy's methods - a truly stunning piece (sorry, no pictures). Sandra used a curved piecing technique to produce her quilt. Phil showed a doll's quilt she is working on, Julia showed us a quilt made for another guild's charity project; Heather is working on doll's sweaters; and Mary S. has started socks with the jazzy wool she bought while on the shop hop. Apologies to any I have forgotten - there was a lot to see!
Please note that our closing dinner will be on June 15 at Restaurant Au Vieux Duluth (same as last year) on Dollard in Lasalle at 7 P.M. Don't forget your challenges - all those food inspired quilts should be fun!!
Next meeting - June 1 - Fabric Exchange! Clean out and reload is the name of the game for that evening. See you then..
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 4th meeting
Monday, May 3, 2010
More Applique from Hudson
Hudson Village Quilt Show
I attended the Hudson quilt show yesterday. What a lovely assortment of quilts!!!! Because I'm becoming an applique freak/geek, I totally went bezerk after seeing some postively stunning work.
The Raffle Quilt was lovely too and they had a lovely display of their charity quilts.
Of course, I made time for tea & sweets & sandwiches with some of the local quilters. What a lovely time!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Seven people, five shops, three cars, and a purse full of money
April 17th marked the date of our first ever Shop Hop. Organized by Julia, this event had five quilt shops welcoming us with discounts, prizes and special treats. We started the day out at the Fabric Box in
As an added bonus, Phyll attended this event. It was so good to see her and have a chance to chat over lunch. At the end of the day, we went out to a much deserved dinner, having traded those purses full of money for car trunks full of fabric and quilt items. All that’s left to do now is the planning, designing and sewing. Julia, thank you so much for organizing such a great day!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Gaetane's Quilt
Great seeing you yesterday. We miss you, but glad you are enjoying your new 'digs'.
Linda's Workshop
It was great day yesterday with Linda Palaisy. I think we were all pretty well drained by the time the class ended. So much information, so many techniques, and usable ones!!! We finished the day with a great meal at Al Dente's. Pictures to come when I can figure out how to do it, or get them to France who DOES know how to do it!
A HUGE thank you to Allison! Allison, you did a great job!!! Linda was a wonderful choice. All the food kept us full and energized and aside from blowing a few fuses to start, the day went wonderfully well.
It was really good to see friends we hadn't seen in a while - Gaetane (your quilt is beautiful!), Kathleen and Linda Power. Great to meet new quilters Roz, Joyce, Dena, Lynn, Emily from Loose Threads, and Cuilte Montreal.
I think the day was a huge success, really productive, and seemed like everyone had a good time.
Thanks again Allison!! You're a peach!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
At Maryl's
It's a go! Our group quilt received its first stitches this afternoon by a few of our members. We do not see in this picture Sandra who had to wait for one of us to stop quilting to have room around the frame, Diane, and Maryl, of course, our host.
I left after tea but they were going to have another session of quilting.
It was great to see Betty again. Less great to quilt away from yourself when you have never done it before.
There are two more afternoons scheduled for quilting at Maryl's. Everybody welcome. Just drop in on Friday, March 5th or Wednesday, March 10th, after 1:30 p.m. please.
Thanks Maryl!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March 2nd meeting
First, Audrey's triangles:
Then, two more beautiful baby quilts by Colleen:
A disappearing nine-patch by Julia:
A cheater quilt and a mini by Pam:
And, finally, an unfinished memory quilt by Diane:
Don't forget, handquilters, that Wednesday is the day we start quilting our group quilt at Maryl's. See you there!